The results are in, and new enzyme technology from Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC provides an advantage. According to Mike Powell, BioScience Brand Manager at Helena, Zypro® delivered a strong return on investment for many growers across a wide range of crops in 2019.

“This was our first year of commercial sales with Zypro, and we’ve been very impressed with the results. And, our customers have been pleased with how easy it is to incorporate into their existing fertility programs,” says Powell.

Throughout years of research, Zypro produced yield advantages in various crops, such as 7.2 bushels per acre in corn, 3 bushels per acre in soybeans, and 63.5 pounds lint per acre in cotton. To understand why enzyme technology produces such strong results, it’s important to understand the relationship between the soil and the nutrients your crops need to thrive.

In order for any plant to optimally grow during its production cycle, it takes the right combination and timing of moisture, weather, pest control, and nutrients. The table below shows most of the essential nutrients needed for any plant (corn, grain sorghum, soybeans, wheat, etc.) to grow from the time the seed is placed in the ground until the combine is ready to harvest. Some of these nutrients (NPK) are needed in large quantities, while others may only need a few parts per million or parts per billion to accomplish an essential function or reaction in making proteins, amino acids or similar building block components. These necessary nutrients are in the soil, with some of them routinely added to ensure adequate quantities are there awaiting the signal from the plant to remove them and take into the plant.

No matter the crop, it depends on getting a majority of its nutrients from the soil. Soil is complex, with a number of chemical, physical and environmental interactions that may hinder the efficiency of nutrients becoming available for plant uptake, including the following:

  • Soil origin/composition
  • Organic matter
  • Temperature regimes (duration, max – mins)
  • Moisture
  • Soil microbial community
  • Fertility

A major part of nutrient availability involves the soil microorganism complexes that provide enzymes to assist with nutrient solubility and the opportunity to enter into the root hair. Depending on factors such as soil pH or environmental event(s), nutrient release is difficult and may need some assistance.

Zypro assists in this effort by making nutrients more available for plant uptake. Zypro is very compatible when mixed with fertilizer and typical soil applied pesticides; and it is designed to work in the soil near the root system. The stabilized enzymes in Zypro cause a consistent chemical reaction in the soil for up to 60 days. They work to promote strong root growth, optimize the soil microbial community to improve nutrient uptake, and improve plant health, growth and yield.

Zypro is labelled for use in all crops including vegetable crops, row crops, field crops, tree and vine crops.

For more information on how you can boost soil productivity and reach higher yields with enzyme technology, contact your local Helena representative for more information on Zypro.

Yield data represented in this article was produced in a four-year study in seven Corn Belt states, six-site study in soybeans, and a four-state, five-site, two-variety study in cotton.