Our expertise has evolved with the needs of the customers we serve. Whether you’re a farmer or forester, nursery grower or golf course manager, it’s our goal to make your job easier and to provide more value through our products and services.

Helena offers virtually every input that is used in production agriculture and specialty markets. This includes seed and seed treatments, crop protection products and adjuvants, fertilizer and advanced crop nutrition, and biological and water management tools. We take those products to the next level with our formulation technologies, expert agronomic consultation, and a full suite of digital solutions and precision technology.
Our exclusive products are developed by Helena Products Group (HPG), which operates a research and development center, formulation laboratory, and training facility in Memphis, Tennessee. HPG is committed to providing sound agronomic solutions with unique, high-quality products designed to enhance performance, increase productivity, and maximize return on investment.
AGRIntelligence uses data collection and in-depth analysis to create tailored, science-based recommendations for each unique customer. With the help of our experts, information that was once just maps and numbers turns into actionable data. AGRIntelligence helps you monitor soil conditions and water quality, create a seeding program and evaluate yield results, and so much more.