Take an in-depth look at the hottest topics in agriculture with The Helena FieldLink Blog. Throughout the growing season, FieldLink is your resource for agronomic education, expert recommendations, the latest Helena news and information, and much more.
Keeping an Eye on Nutrition After Heavy Rainfall 05/17/2024
Heavy rainfall has disrupted farm work across the country in recent weeks. The excess moisture is not only delaying planting, but it’s also raising concerns about nitrogen loss.
Getting More Out of Every Drop: How Resgenix Is Changing Water-Use Efficiency 04/05/2024
Like the weather, moisture management has become a regular topic of discussion for today’s farmers.
How to Produce Late-Season Gains 04/04/2024
At reproduction, row crops are setting yield potential and developing value that can lead to greater returns at harvest.
Quickshot: A Springboard for Planting Programs 03/12/2024
Imagine being able to improve yields without changing a single stepin your planting program this year. How? By pushing seed to its full potential with a boost of Quickshot. Consider it a next-level friend for efficient planting, uniform emergence and overall plant vigor.
Almond Wise — Managing Nitrogen in Your Orchards 03/05/2024
The need for nitrogen in almond trees is most prevalent from bloom season through June. Monitoring N levels through tissue sampling is critical. Utilizing Extractor, Helena’s leaf tissue sampling program, we can take a representative sample of an almond block and prescribe the ideal N application(s) and program to fit that orchard.
The Importance of Pre-Bloom Ca, B, and Zn in Table & Wine Grapes 02/20/2024
We’ve been told for years about the importance of including Zinc (Zn) in our pre-bloom foliar nutritional sprays, so much so, that we almost universally include it without even thinking about it.
Addressing Soil Fertility under Saturated Conditions 02/13/2024
This winter brought heavy precipitation, and with it came welcome water storage, soil profile recharge and salt leaching. However, challenges related to saturated soil conditions have also surfaced.
The Cost of Uncontrolled Weeds 02/06/2024
There are several aspects of agronomic decisions that have to be considered before committing to a weed control program for the upcoming season. Once a grower makes their choice of crop and variety, which includes technology in major row crops, they still have several decisions to make.
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- Be Almond Wise: The Need for Nitrogen 01/10/2025
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