Antares Prime

Create a foundation of residual weed control in your soybeans this season. Antares Prime® is a liquid, patent-pending formulation of sulfentrazone and cloransulam-methyl for preemergence use in all soybeans, including new herbicide tolerant cropping systems. The unique ratio of active ingredients provides consistent, long-lasting control of troublesome weeds including pigweed, morningglory and yellow nutsedge.
Antares Prime is a herbicide containing both sulfentrazone and cloransulam-methyl that can be applied preemergence or preplant incorporated for control of listed broadleaf and grass weed species in soybeans. This product may only be used to control listed broadleaf, grass and sedge weeds in soybeans. For optimal results, follow the instructions on this product label. Antares Prime controls weeds by being taken up into the roots and shoots of the weeds
Always refer to the label on the product before using Helena or any other product.
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