EcoWorks EC

EcoWorks EC® is a broad-spectrum, biological pesticidemade with neem oil. It protects with two modes of action, physical and physiological. EcoWorks EC is proven to be highly effective against common insects and mites in a variety of crops and markets.
EcoWorks EC is an emulsifiable concentrate containing cold pressed Neem oil 70%. EcoWorks EC controls insects such as worms, thrips, aphids, white flies, leaf miners, beetles, mites and nematodes etc. EcoWorks EC repels and/or disrupts feeding and growth of the target insect pests.
EcoWorks EC is effective for the prevention and control of the following fungal diseases: powdery mildew, downy mildew, rust, leaf spot, scab, blight, anthracnose, dollar spot, and molds.
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