Ele-Max Super Zinc FL

Zinc is a key component in the development of many enzymes and proteins during the growth cycle that contribute to an increase in crop uniform maturity and vegetative growth. Ele-Max® Super Zinc FL supplies your crop with the highest concentration of plant-available zinc that is essential for plant development. It provides a high-quality nutritional blend formulated with high-analysis zinc that is specifically designed for foliar application and fertilizer impregnation.
Ele-Max Super Zinc FL is a formulated treatment for zinc deficiencies in a wide range of crops. This product is recommended for use as a supplement to a well-balanced fertilizer program only. This product may be applied using a variety of agricultural application equipment and techniques. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for sound soil fertilization and good conventional cultural practices. Thorough coverage of foliage is necessary for best results.
Always refer to the label on the product before using Helena or any other product.
Ele-Max Super Zinc FL provides a highly efficient source of soil- and foliar-applied zinc that can potentially reduce commodity-based zinc sources.
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