Empyros Triad

Beat back broadleaf weeds and grasses and improve early corn growth with Empyros® Triad, a groundbreaking herbicide with an exclusive active ingredient combination. Empyros Triad broadens the weed control spectrum with the post-emergence strength of tolpyralate, the newest Group 27 HPPD Inhibitor in the U.S. Its performance is enhanced with atrazine and combined with the dependability of s-metolachlor to provide outstanding, long-lasting early-season weed control.
Empyros Triad may be used pre-emergence and early post-emergence in the culture of field corn and seed corn. Empyros Triad may also be used in the culture of sweet corn, and yellow popcorn, but the application must be made prior to crop emergence (pre-emergence), or severe crop injury may occur. Empyros Triad is recommended for pre-emergence use for control of most annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in the crops described above. Empyros Triad may also be applied early post-emergence for the control of broadleaf weeds in field corn (pre-emergence only in sweet corn, and yellow popcorn).
Always refer to the label on the product before using Helena or any other product.
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