Product Description

Helena Flash® is an enhanced ethephon based product designed to aid in transport of hormonal defoliants into the plant system, reducing the number of days from green to open boll. It contains a co-formulated adjuvant system to maintain a low pH in the spray tank, which slows down the release and loss of ethylene gas. Conventional ethephon products lack this technology and are unable to maintain a low pH in solution.

Key Features

Enhanced co-formulation system provides:

  • Faster boll opening & less regrowth
  • Maximized uptake
  • Three times the low pH holding capacity of conventional ethephon products
  • Enhanced compatibility & application
  • Superior tank-mix performance
  • Corrosion inhibitors

Technical Information

  • Category Crop Protection, Plant Growth Regulator
  • Chemistry Ethephon [(2-chloroethyl)phosphonic acid]

Always refer to the label on the product before using Helena or any other product.

Sustainability Statement

The use of Helena Flash results in more uniform plants and open bowls, improving harvest and land-use efficiency while reducing overall fuel consumption.