Product Description

Hydra-Hume® is a nutrient efficiency tool designed to help you get more from the valuable fertilizer you apply. It increases fertilizer uptake, and helps retain nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil for greater utilization and less leaching. Hydra-Hume helps prevent nutrient tie-up by improving nutrient availability, while improving soil structure and aggregation to allow for better water movement.

Key Features

  • Improves nutrient efficiency
  • Enhances soil structure & biology
  • Improves agronomic conditions for stronger plant & root growth
  • Helps prevent nutrient tie-up
  • Increases nitrogen uptake by crops

Technical Information

Hydra-Hume is designed for soil and foliar applications. Products containing humic acid, such as Hydra-Hume, may aid in the uptake of micronutrients.

  • Category Crop Protection, Soil Amendment
  • Chemistry Soluble Potash (K2O)

Always refer to the label on the product before using Helena or any other product.

This product may be registered for specific purposes in other states. Consult with your local Helena representative.

Sustainability Statement

Hydra-Hume adds a natural, humic substance to fertility programs. It can help reduce the amount of commodity fertilizer applied to the soil by increasing nutrient use efficiency and limiting the potential for loss in the environment.