Product Description

Protect your crop’s yield potential with the effective zinc and sulfur in MicroMerge® Zinc. MicroMerge Zinc is a granular micronutrient that provides growers with vital nutrition by providing plant-available zinc and sulfur during the growing season. The highly concentrated zinc sulfate micronutrient is a granular formulation designed for soil application and is labeled for use on multiple crops.

Key Features

  • Helps protect yield by maintaining zinc &sulfur levels in the soil
  • Provides uniform distribution of nutrients forbetter plant uptake
  • Excellent blending compatibility with urea &other granular fertilizers
  • Zinc & sulfur are key nutrients for properplant growth

Technical Information

MicroMerge Zn should be used as part of a balanced fertility program. It should be blended and applied with other granular fertilizers. The amount required should be based on agronomic recommendations from soil tests or tissue analysis. Use MicroMerge Zn in soil applications for the prevention and correction of zinc deficiencies in crops as directed by your local Agricultural Outlet Representative or professional agricultural consultant.

  • Category Crop Nutrition, Micronutrient
  • Chemistry Sulfur (S), Zinc (Zn)

Always refer to the label on the product before using Helena or any other product.

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MicroMerge 5144 (HAE)