Nucleus Ortho-Phos S

The Nucleus® Ortho-Phos line of starters gives emerging crops a vigorous start with efficient and essential nutrition. Nucleus Ortho-Phos S offers a complete source of NPK plus the vital sulfur crops need for efficient uptake and utilization of nutrients. With Nutris Formulation Technology™, Nucleus Ortho-Phos increases nutrient availability that can result in improved plant vigor and enhance development of roots to improve yield potential.
Nucleus Ortho-Phos S is a stabilized solution containing water soluble orthophosphate in combination with nitrogen, soluble potash and sulfur. Nucleus Ortho-Phos S is compatible with many liquid fertilizers and pesticides, provided that the following guidelines are followed: 1. Do not mix Nucleus Ortho-Phos S with undiluted pesticides. 2. Do not mix or apply with products containing calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese or zinc unless they are fully chelated. 3. Always "Jar Test" all tank mixes for compatibility before mixing for field applications.
Always refer to the label on the product before using Helena or any other product.
Nucleus Ortho-Phos Fe 6-21-2 (HAE) | ||
Nucleus Ortho-Phos Zn 7-21-2 (HAE) | ||
Nucleus Ortho-Phos 8-24-0 (HAE) | ||
Nucleus Ortho-Phos S 6-20-3 (HAE) |
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