Seed Shield Max Cereals

There’s a lot at stake when it comes to your crop investment. Make the most of it with the best disease and insect protection on the market. Seed Shield® Max Cereals is the only cereal seed treatment containing four leading fungicides with four powerful active ingredients. Complete with a full-loaded insecticide, it broadens your control over diseases and insects, while supporting early plant growth and tillering.
Seed Shield Max Cereals is a broad-spectrum seed treatment that consists of four fungicide active ingredients: difenoconazole, mefenoxam, sedaxane, and thiabendazole, as well as one insecticide active ingredient: thiamethoxam. Each active ingredient has a different mode of action. This seed treatment is recommended for protection against many listed important fungal plant diseases as well as listed early-season insect pests. Refer to the directions for use for a complete list of diseases and insects.
Always refer to the label on the product before using Helena or any other product.
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