Trico Pro

Trico®Pro is a natural repellent that effectively deters deer, elk, moose and rabbits. It utilizes dual modes of action, targeting both the animal’s sense of smell and taste. Trico Pro provides efficient and reliable protection, eliminating the need for frequent application. It is labeled for use on row crops, vegetables, forestry, Christmas trees, vineyards, orchards, berries, turf and ornamentals.
Trico Pro is a scent and taste repellent that protects against deer, (rabbits), elk and moose that browse, rub or debark seedlings, trees and shrubs. Trico Proprotects field crops, vegetable plants, vineyards, orchards, strawberry plants, and blueberry plants by preventing deer, elk, (rabbits), and moose from browsing.
Trico Proprovides effective control of deer damage to vulnerable, deer attractive agricultural plants. Hardly recognizable to humans, but highly repellent to (rabbits), deer, elk, and moose, it provides – apart from a taste barrier – a very strong scent barrier.
Always refer to the label on the product before using Helena or any other product.
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