Helena Agri-Enterprises introduced two new brands at the 2023 Commodity Classic in Orlando, Florida, designed with sustainability in mind. The enzyme-based soybean seed treatment, Enertia™, improves soil quality on the farm, while the water use efficiency tool, Resgenix™, manages resource consumption. Together, Enertia and Resgenix balance crop production needs with environmental stewardship to increase yields responsibly and efficiently.

“Helena has been researching and developing biological products for decades."

Mike Powell, Sr. Brand Manager of Crop Production and BioScience products for Helena

“It’s given our customers ways to make important changes on their farms such as the reduction of nitrogen rates and implementation of plant-based inputs. Now, with protected enzyme technology, we’re targeting the needs of our soil to take a natural approach to raising productivity.” 

Enzymes are a key indicator of soil health. Applied as a seed treatment, they increase microbial activity in the germination zone. Enertia stabilizes its enzymes with VersaShield® Formulation Technology for longer-lasting activity in the soil and more compatibility with other soybean seed treatments. By improving nutrient availability in the soil as roots develop, Enertia produced a 14 percent increase in root weight by mass, a 3 percent increase in plant population, and a 2.4 bushel per acre yield advantage over the standard fungicide and insecticide seed treatment alone in trials across Midwest and southern geographies.

Despite advancements in technology, quality crop production would not be possible without adequate water availability. Worsening drought conditions and growing populations are increasing demand for fresh water, leading to more restrictions and higher costs for agricultural producers.

“Water impacts everything we do on the farm. If we don’t utilize the water we have effectively, we could lose productivity in the field, and the efficacy of our spray applications could suffer.”

Austin Anderson, Brand Manager of Adjuvants and Water Management Products for Helena

Resgenix improves water use efficiency with greater ease than ever before thanks to a revitalized polyacrylamide formulation. Its convenient liquid formulation is compatible with most crop management products and requires no special equipment for application. Applied through irrigation water or conventional spray applications, Resgenix can improve aggregation in all soil types, which strengthens water holding capacity and helps mitigate erosion, run-off and soil moisture evaporation loss. Even with a 20 percent reduction in irrigation water in field trials, adding Resgenix maintained soil moisture content and exceeded yield compared to water alone.

Addressing environmental challenges requires everyone to do their part. Helena is proud to introduce Enertia and Resgenix and help more growers begin a more sustainable path forward. Watch clips from Helena's product preview at the Commodity Classic on YouTube, and visit HelenaAgri.com for more information on products and services from Helena.

About Helena Agri-Enterprises

Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC is a complete agronomic solutions provider headquartered outside of Memphis in Collierville, Tennessee. Helena is a multi-faceted retailer and distributor in the production agriculture and specialty markets, offering innovative products and services to improve productivity for greater customer returns. This includes crop protection and crop production products, seed and seed treatments, AGRIntelligence® tools, professional application, financial services, and chemical formulation. Helena is driven by a belief in People… Products… Knowledge®… Through knowledgeable and dedicated people, superior products, and the latest, proven technologies, Helena is committed to helping customers succeed.