Take an in-depth look at the hottest topics in agriculture with The Helena FieldLink Blog. Throughout the growing season, FieldLink is your resource for agronomic education, expert recommendations, the latest Helena news and information, and much more.
Mid-Season Nutrition for Blueberries 05/27/2020
As we near late spring and the beginning of summer, it is crucial to keep in-season fertility for your blueberry crop at the top of your list. The nutrient needs of blueberries can be intense during this time of year, and while you should always strive to maintain your proper soil level, that doesn't always translate to sufficient nutrients in the blueberry plant.
A Customized Post-Harvest Approach 05/26/2020
As the season ends, it is easy to overlook the necessities of post-harvest nutrition. After harvest, nutrition levels have been depleted, and the strength that the plant once had has been diminished. Before the plant goes into dormancy, it is vital to build the plant's strength and replenish the nutrients.
Meeting the Need for Nitrogen 04/28/2020
Nitrogen is one of the most vital sources of nutrition for crops. It serves as a primary energy source, and the plant’s demand for nitrogen increases throughout the growing season. Unfortunately, it is often one of the most insufficient nutrients in crops.
Maximize Fruit and Nut Quality with Targeted Applications of Potassium 04/08/2020
Potassium (K) is one of the most essential nutrients associated with tree and vine production, and it is commonly the most misapplied. Lack of K early in fruit/nut development can lead to smaller fruit/nuts, lower TSS/sugars in grapes, uneven ripening, and poor color development.
Optimizing Corn Hybrid Performance with Fastand 04/01/2020
Most hybrids have the genetic potential to make way more bushels per acre than the normal state averages. In today’s economic climate, it is essential that every grower be able to maximize their seed investment and to push the yield potential from each and every bag of seed.
Enzyme Technology Yields Strong Results 03/19/2020
The results are in, and new enzyme technology from Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC provides an advantage.
Helena Hosts Weed Science Adjuvant Training for Next Generation of Ag Professionals 02/13/2020
Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC recently hosted over 30 Mississippi State University faculty members and students from the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences and Delta Research and Extension Center for weed science adjuvant training.
Increase Nutrient Use Efficiency With Fertigation 02/12/2020
There are many ways to apply fertilizer inputs to growing crops. If the crop is irrigated, fertigation is an effective manner to apply some nutrients for crops to use throughout the growing season. Fertigation is a fertilizer application method in which dissolved fertilizers are delivered through the irrigation system.
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