Take an in-depth look at the hottest topics in agriculture with The Helena FieldLink Blog. Throughout the growing season, FieldLink is your resource for agronomic education, expert recommendations, the latest Helena news and information, and much more.
What does Lulu Lemon and the Iowa Corn Promotion Board have in common? More than you’d expect! 12/18/2024
In the heart of the Midwest, a quiet revolution is taking place. It's not happening on the sprawling cornfields of Iowa, but rather in the boardrooms and research labs of the Iowa Corn Promotion Board, where a dedicated team is working tirelessly to unlock new uses and markets for the state's most abundant crop.
Tips for Financing Your Crop in 2025 11/01/2024
With many unknowns about the market's future, it is important to know your credit options and where your finances lie before starting a new year. Helena Agri-Enterprises Chief Financial Officer Byron Phillips and Director of Credit Wes Belleville share beneficial tips and insights on financing your crops in 2025.
Lessons From 2024: Fertility Planning for a Productive 2025 10/31/2024
Planning ahead usually requires looking back — especially for growers working to develop fertility strategies for the next season. Fortunately, lessons learned in 2024 can provide valuable insights that will help drive productivity in 2025.
Managing Deer and Other Wildlife on Your Land 10/07/2024
The United States is home to more than 20 million white tail deer. While that number might excite hunters, it can spell trouble for farmers.
Adjuvant Choice and Fall Burndown Success 09/25/2024
Behind yield are a variety of factors used to measure the success of the 2024 growing season. One that will play a major role in purchasing decisions next year is herbicide performance.
Helena’s Unique Take on the Seed Business 09/20/2024
Helena’s seed business sets itself apart amongst prominent agriculture industry trends. Seed sales go beyond just seed selection and management throughout the growing season.
Keys to Successful Cotton Defoliation 08/29/2024
Texas has kicked off cotton harvest with defoliation applications. Helena experts are sharing their expertise on how to take advantage of this unique application. In their experience, it gives cotton growers the flexibility to manage their crop for both quality and yield.
The Chronicles of Coron Metra: The Original Sustainable Source of Nitrogen 07/16/2024
For a farmer, every day is different. Each crop is a new lesson learned. For more than 20 years, Helena has worked to combat nitrogen loss and research fertilizers that will successfully lead to highly efficient foliar nutrition.
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