With corn harvest over halfway finished across the country, it’s time to start thinking about seed plans for 2023. That means navigating a rapidly-evolving landscape of traits, genetics and technology. In a recent episode of The FieldLink® Podcast, Matt Scuffham, a Seed Manager with Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC based in Des Moines, Iowa, shared his advice for choosing the right seed for your farm.

Seed choice sets the tone for the season. Its consequences impact decisions on fertility, equipment, crop protection, and more. According to Scuffham, the first thing to do when choosing a corn hybrid is to make sure it’s the right fit for your farm, soil type and production plan.
“I’ve always said, we need to place the hybrid by the field,” explains Scuffham.
From there, it’s all about managing that hybrid to the best of its ability and asking the right questions to help you prepare for the season. For example, what does early root growth look like, does it need a starter, when should you go back with another shot of nitrogen, etc.? Understanding the needs of the hybrid is critical to its success throughout the season.
“You have the most yield potential when that corn seed is still in the bag,” jokes Scuffham. “From the second it goes into the ground, you never want it to have a bad day.”
When it comes to supply, Scuffham feels good about the coming year, but if past years have taught us anything, it’s to get your orders in early and to have a back-up plan or two in place. He says now’s the time to reach out to your seed rep to discuss the best options for your farm. Being a step ahead not only helps secure your hybrid of choice, but it’s also a way to take advantage of supplier deals this time of year.
“If you have a bag weight you really like or a seed size you prefer, the sooner you can put that order in, the better. If you wait until next year, you’ll get seed, but it might not be your first choice.”
Matt Scuffham
For more advice, check out episode 17 of the FieldLink Podcast. Helena is a national seed distributor, offering a wide variety of seed and brands, along with products to protect your investment. Find your local Helena representative to get started on your 2023 seed purchase today.