“We can't afford the loss of soil moisture by tearing things up and flipping the dirt over,” says Kody Blochowitz, Product Manager with Helena Agri-Enterprises based in Colorado.

This reality of farming across the High Plains in states like Nebraska and Colorado makes strip-till systems commonplace. Now, more farmers are beginning to incorporate dry fertilizer thanks in part to upgrades in technology making it easier and more effective. As Blochowitz explains, the process is similar to liquid strip-tilling, but it incorporates dry fertilizer in a single placement.

“Basically, you’re going in and banding your dry fertilizer where it’s needed in that root zone. It puts it down there six to eight inches deep right where those roots are going to need it. They’ll come in and plant right down that same strip.”

Kody Blochowitz

Blended with the fertilizer is Resurge®, a low-dust granule made of 70% humic acid from a high-quality ore source. Blochowitz believes having a humic source in the band is absolutely necessary.

“We've kind of overworked our grounds over the last 100 years,” says Blochowitz.

Humic substances are critical components of organic matter in the soil. They help mobilize nutrients and have been proven to enhance plant growth. However, natural humic substances have been lost to intensive farming practices over time. Adding humic compounds back to the soil with Resurge helps fertilizer perform more efficiently. According to Blochowitz, the ROI is “too significant to overlook,” for his growers.

“Once they use it, they never seem to want to take it back out of the tank,” says Blochowitz.

Resurge can increase nitrogen use efficiency by up to 15% and raise yield by around 11% on average. It helps prevent tie-up and releases nutrients bound in the soil. In nitrogen applications, Resurge also helps reduce leaching and volatilization. However, not all humic products produce the same results. Everything from where the product originates to how it’s mined and processed can impact humic quality. Plus, many humic granule products have been known to produce excess dust, mixing problems, and inconsistent distribution.

“Resurge amends all that,” says Blochowitz.

Thanks to a revolutionary engineering process, Resurge is manufactured down to a consistent size and shape capable of withstanding the high impact environment of air seeders. This allows growers to easily take advantage of a high quality humic product without an extra step. Blochowitz says, whether you’re amending the soil altogether, running a maintenance program, or cutting back on nitrogen rates, Resurge can help you get as much out of your fertilizer investment as possible.

“When things are getting tight, like it is now, everything you can get out of your nitrogen and the further it goes, the better,” says Blochowitz.

Visit helenaagri.com to find your local sales representative and discover how you can incorporate Resurge into your fertility program.