Post-harvest irrigation and nutrition are extremely important when planning for next year’s crop. Nutrient applications in the late-summer and fall can be considered the first application of the upcoming season. Next year’s yield potential is determined by this year’s fruiting spurs, and bloom will occur on the already created flower buds. Post-harvest applications of nitrogen, potassium, zinc and boron will help the trees recover from the physical stress endured through harvest and ensure the orchard advances into dormancy with adequate nutrition.
In addition, with the arrival of fall, it is time to start planning for pre-emergent herbicide applications. Weather permitting, these applications should coincide with a rain event to assure that pre-emergent herbicide active ingredients are properly incorporated in the top layer of the soil. Centrus®, a pre-emergent herbicide from Helena, has combined two active ingredients into one, easy-to-use dry formulation. Centrus contains both Indaziflam (Group 29) and Rimsulfuron (Group 2), providing complementary burndown with long-lasting residual weed control in high-value tree nuts, tree fruit and vine crops. Centrus provides up to six months of broadleaf and grassy weed control while combating ACCase, ALS, triazine and glyphosate-resistant weeds.
When making your Centrus application, remember weed seeds generally germinate in the top two inches of the soil. Enhance your pre-emergent application efficiency with Grounded®-W, a soil and spray deposition agent that can help keep your herbicides in the weed germination zone longer. Grounded-W can improve efficacy and soil adsorption of soil-applied herbicides, while reducing drift and increasing spray-droplet size uniformity.
Prepare your orchards for next year’s crop with an Almond Wise™ program today. Contact your local Helena representative to learn more.
— James Schaeffer, Western Division Product Specialist