The Holiday season is a time of tremendous gratitude for most. But for the 11.4% of Americans living in poverty*, it is a time of great need and uncertainty. Adopting a family is a small way to make a big difference for those struggling in your community. Adopt-a-Family programs run by non-profit, charitable or religious organizations help sponsors support qualified individuals or families in need with gifts and/or monetary donations. Helena Agri-Enterprises in West Des Moines, Iowa, adopted two local families as part of its recent Career Advancement Program (CAP) Training in December.

CAP Training is a professional development opportunity for Helena sales teams in different regions of the country. It helps those new to the sales role hone their skills through education, mentorship, and networking with their peers. When CAP trainees from several Midwestern states gathered in West Des Moines for their final meeting of the year, they were in for a new challenge. Instead of another typical teambuilding activity, they set out on a scavenger hunt of sorts, gathering basic necessities, toys and household goods. Together, they checked the items off their lists, wrapped every gift, and prepared the donations to be delivered to each deserving family by Christmas Day. Michelle Fangman, an Acquisitions Coordinator in Helena’s West Des Moines office who helps plan CAP Trainings, says this was a lesson that couldn’t be taught in the classroom.

“It was a very moving experience that really put things into perspective for everyone involved. As Helena employees, we’re all fortunate to be a part of this industry. What better way to use our time and resources than by giving back to our community?”

Michelle Fangman, Acquisitions Coordinator

Fangman looks forward to incorporating more service activities into future CAP Trainings. This is an example of just one way Helena is making a difference. In addition to local giving, Helena is a proud corporate sponsor of several educational programs and charitable foundations across the country.

*United States Census Bureau