As we near late spring and the beginning of summer, it is crucial to keep in-season fertility for your blueberry crop at the top of your list. The nutrient needs of blueberries can be intense during this time of year, and while you should always strive to maintain your proper soil level, that doesn't always translate to sufficient nutrients in the blueberry plant.

The best way to understand what your nutrient needs are is to take tissue samples, and with Extractor®, Helena's advanced tissue management system can pinpoint the needs of your blueberries. The tissue samples are analyzed in agricultural laboratories for nutrient concentrations, and Extractor reports help you identify what your crop needs to ensure you are optimizing your nutrition program. The individualized results help provide insight on how to manage in-season fertility for your blueberry crop.
Over the years, Dr. Gary Pavlis, Ph.D. of Rutgers University Extension has emphasized the need for forliar application of nutrients in "The Blueberry Bulletin". According to Dr. Pavlis, it is iron deficiency in Duke Varieties or Boron and other micronutrient deficiencies on the rest of the farm, foliar applications of the right nutrient at the right time is the best way to mitigate any issues arising from deficiency. Helena has helped many growers in the Hammonton area to improve their nutritional programs with products like Ele-Max® Nutrient Concentrate and Axillo Mix 5. These products provide essential nutrients such as Fe, B, Zn, and Mn that are optimized for plant uptake, and ease of application. Contact your local Helena representative to create a mid-season nutritional program that's right for your blueberry crop.