Imagine being able to improve yields without changing a single step in your planting program this year. How? By pushing seed to its full potential with a boost of Quickshot. Consider it a next-level friend for efficient planting, uniform emergence and overall plant vigor.

Since growers already are using a fluency agent each spring, they’re familiar with the benefits. Not only do fluency agents help improve singulation while reducing seed skips, they also prevent residue buildup in the seed hopper, making clean up more efficient. Most fluency agents do all these things, helping to achieve as-close-to perfect planter efficiency as possible — which results in better performance.

So, what’s different about Quickshot? In one word: nutrition. While applied exactly like fluency agents growers are used to — in powder form, added to the planter box and mixed in with corn, cotton or soybeans — Quickshot also includes nutritional elements that help jump-start the growing season.

Jason Gregory, Brand Manager at Helena Agri-Enterprises, says Quickshot is like a jolt of nourishment for seed, delivering much-needed nutrients in critical early-stage processes. Because its nutrients reach the seed before it leaves the hopper and hits the row, Quickshot sets up plants to emerge stronger and healthier.

“Quickshot has the same functionality you’d expect from a quality talc:graphite product, but it allows you to get nutrition to the seed faster and improve uptake,” Gregory says. “Simply put, it’s a cost-effective, over-achieving product that delivers better results using the same familiar steps that growers are already taking.”

So far Quickshot is proving to be a strong performer among growers, who have reported returns on corn of seven bushels per acre over the competition* and a 30-pound-plus increase in cotton.

“The cost is minimal to put Quickshot’s nutritional formula to work. And the sooner we do it, the better — better emergence, better stands and better yield.”

Jason Gregory

Quickshot contains a full nutrient package:

  • 2-10-3 NPK
  • 2% S
  • 4.5% Zn
  • 1.6% Mn
  • 0.6% Cu

*$34.72 per acre ROI, based on current market conditions and competitor pricing.

Get the full scoop on Quickshot by contacting your local Helena representative or authorized dealer.