A recent article in theThe Scoopreported on the status of Black Cutworm (BCW) Moth trapping in the Midwest. To date, “significant flights” of BCW have been found in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. This gives corn growers in the Midwest cause for concern as larvae feeding can result in severe damage to a field. Dr. Greg Willoughby, Technical Service Manager for Helena Agri-Enterprises based in Indiana, urges growers to prepare now for a possible infestation.

“The last thing we want to do is get caught off guard,” says Dr. Willoughby.

“This year, with varying crop planting times, there is the potential for infestation to cause damage. Monitoring trap counts now, and in the future (including for armyworms), is key. Take a look at your program and make sure you have the right insecticide in play to get ahead of cutworms this year.”

According to Purdue University, a single black cutworm larva is capable of cutting up to four corn plants during its life cycle. Feeding can result in holes in leaves to more serious damage, including notching of seedling stems below the soil surface and cutting completely through stalks. Scouting shortly after emergence is recommended to identify signs such as leaf damage, wilted plants, or cut stalks.

Dr. Willoughby says Helena’s Sultrus® insecticide is a great option for staying on top of this pest and protecting stands. It offers a highly effective mode of action with the added coverage needed to improve efficacy. Talk to your local Helena representative about availability in your area. For more information about BCW, visit Purdue University, and read the full article from The Scoop here.