
Improve the effectiveness of your spray applications with an adjuvant proven to maximize performance. Dyne-Amic® is a flexible, easy-to-use adjuvant that spreads and covers like a surfactant and penetrates better than crop-oil concentrates. Dyne-Amic is an effective blend of highly-refined methylated seed oils (MSO) combined with specialized organosilicone-based nonionic surfactants.
Dyne-Amic is a proprietary blend of highly effective nonionic surfactants and a refined and modified spray oil. It is designed for use with those pesticides or products whose labels recommend the addition of a spray adjuvant to improve coverage. The addition of Dyne-Amic to a spray tank solution will improve a spray application by physically modifying the deposition and wetting characteristics of the spray solution, the result being a more uniform spray deposit.
Always refer to the label on the product before using Helena or any other product.
Responsible use of adjuvants in conjunction with pesticides enhances efficacy, while minimizing environmental impacts.
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