First Defense Cereals ZX

Cereal crops benefit from early, healthy stands that tiller effectively. Protection from First Defense® Cereals ZX lays the foundation by helping cereal growers get ahead of damaging seedling diseases. The four-way fungicide seed treatment defends your valuable seed investment with three modes of action while strengthening early growth with Asset® Formulation Technology.
This product is a systemic seed treatment that controls or suppresses certain seed borne, soil borne, and early season foliar diseases of wheat, barley, oats and triticale. It is a mixture of difenoconazole, mefenoxam, thiabendazole, and tebuconazole. This product provides Pythium damping-off activity and provides activity on the remaining diseases claimed on this label. An EPA approved coloring agent has been added to the formulation.
Always refer to the label on the product before using Helena or any other product.
First Defense Cereals ZX provides the foundation for early, healthy stands that tiller effectively. Healthy stands allow plants to maximize nutrient uptake and utilization, limiting losses to leaching and volatility.
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