Hydra-Hume 0-0-1

Get more from the valuable fertilizer you apply. Hydra-Hume® 0-0-1 is a fertilizer efficiency tool containing a 12% liquid organic acid with both humic and fulvic components. It increases fertilizer uptake and helps retain nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil for greater utilization and less leaching.
Hydra-Hume is designed for soil and foliar applications. Hydra-Hume can be applied 5-6 times during the growing season. Apply at no more than 3 gallons per application. Products containing humic acid, such as Hydra-Hume, may aid in the uptake of micronutrients.
Always refer to the label on the product before using Helena or any other product.
Hydra-Hume A (HAE) | ||
Hydra-Hume DG-A Coated (HAE) |
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