N-Fixx Duro

N-Fixx® Duro controls nitrogen loss through ammonia volatilization with trusted NBPT and new, patented duromide. With dual-active ingredients enhanced with Flowtech® Formulation Technology, it strengthens nitrogen protection and improves fertilizer applications. Plus, it is more resistant to soil degradation, which extends the window of nitrogen protection.
N-Fixx Duro is a specialized fertilizer additive that reduces the loss of nitrogen that occurs when urea-based fertilizers are surface applied to crops. N-Fixx Duro inhibits the activity of urease – an enzyme that converts urea nitrogen into the more volatile ammonia form. By reducing the formation of ammonia nitrogen, the loss of nitrogen from surface-applied fertilizer is minimized. N-Fixx Duro is applicable for use with any nitrogen-consuming crop when used in conjunction with urea-based fertilizers.
Always refer to the label on the product before using Helena or any other product.
This product may be registered for specific purposes in other states. Consult with your local Helena representative.
N-Fixx Duro provides a sustainable approach to nitrogen fertilization. It increases the efficiency and utilization of nitrogen and decreases nitrogen loss due to volatilization of surface applied fertilizers.
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