
Aristocracy® is a nonionic wetting agent and soil conditioner that prevents and treats localized dry spots (LDS) and other problem areas in turf. By anchoring the wetting agent to the soil, it provides the water-holding power which prevents turf from drying out. Playing surfaces remain firm without leaving the surface too wet. Aristocracy can be applied year-round to promote healthy greens, tees, fairways, lawns and sports turf. Remaining active in the soil for up to 40 days after application, it has shown impressive results in turf types such as Bentgrass, Bermuda, Poa annua and Paspalum.
General information: can be used all year long; use on golf greens, tees, fairways and sports turf; easy to use and safe for turf when used according to label rates; promotes consistent water flow into and throughout rootzone. Aristocracy is for the control of localized dry spot. Use monthly, or every 90 days (with split application protocol listed below*), to treat localized dry spots and other turf areas where water repellency is a problem.
Contact your nearest Helena Location for label information.
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