Take an in-depth look at the hottest topics in agriculture with The Helena FieldLink Blog. Throughout the growing season, FieldLink is your resource for agronomic education, expert recommendations, the latest Helena news and information, and much more.
Helena Previews New Fungicide and Insecticide Technology for Multiple Crops 03/24/2022
Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC introduced new pest management technology at the 2022 Commodity Classic in New Orleans, Louisiana. The exclusive Protecta™ method promises to build fungicides and insecticides differently, relying on diligent design, expert analysis and verified results. The announcement comes as disease and insect control is becoming harder for growers across the country due to challenging conditions in the field.
Breaking Down the Microbial Hype 03/23/2022
The hottest new products in agriculture today aren’t chemicals. They’re microbials. As the industry continues dealing with inflated fertilizer costs, many farmers are willing to give these products a shot. James DeMoss, Helena Product Manager based in Louisiana, understands the intrigue, but urges farmers to take a closer look at what’s happening in the soil and in the tank before making an investment.
Managing Nitrogen in Your Orchards 02/25/2022
The need for nitrogen in almond trees is most prevalent from bloom through June. Monitoring N levels through tissue sampling is critical. Utilizing Extractor®, Helena’s leaf tissue sampling program, we can take a representative sample of an almond block and prescribe the ideal N application(s) and program to fit that orchard. Studies show 2.2-2.5% N level in tissues in July attribute to sufficient N management. Thus, tissue sampling should start in March, post-bloom, to make the first N adjustment if needed. Tissue sampling methods vary among consultants, but samples should be taken again in April and May (approximately 30 day intervals) to monitor N levels and make needed adjustments prior to nut-fill.
Rethinking Weed Control in 2022 02/17/2022
“We need to prevent failure in 2022, because we don’t have a lot of options to clean up our mistakes,” said Dr. Bryan Young, Professor of Weed Science at Purdue University.
Dr. Young’s advice at a recent Helena training event perfectly sums up the state of weed management this season. When the herbicides we’ve come to depend on are in short supply or simply too expensive, we have to start early and maintain control in different ways. Helena has tips to help you create a flexible herbicide program and manage an uncertain market.
What’s In Your Water? 02/17/2022
Water quality impacts the performance of all pesticides, especially those farmers rely on the most. In herbicide applications, poor water quality can reduce efficacy by as much as 50% if left untreated. That amount of loss is something farmers can’t afford when certain herbicides are already in short supply. Fortunately, we can easily correct the causes of poor water quality by monitoring our water sources for certain traits and including water conditioners in our applications.
Almond Bloom Approaches Rapidly 02/10/2022
As we rapidly approach bloom season in almonds, the trees are accumulating the last of their chill hours. Growers typically prepare for bloom to happen around Valentine’s Day, and this year they are anticipating a fast bloom.
Helena Preps for Busy Weed Control Season 01/27/2022
We checked in with Helena experts from the Midwest to the Southeast to see what’s top of mind ahead of 2022 planting. All agreed farmers will need to go back to the basics to deal with a new set of weed control challenges, starting with these questions.
Desert Crops Take Center Stage During Winter Months 01/26/2022
While farmland across much of the country is blanketed in snow, production is in full swing out west. It’s winter vegetable season in the desert, and Jose Cabrera, Helena Product Manager based in Arizona, says farmers are taking full advantage of the weather.
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