Take an in-depth look at the hottest topics in agriculture with The Helena FieldLink Blog. Throughout the growing season, FieldLink is your resource for agronomic education, expert recommendations, the latest Helena news and information, and much more.
Helena of Norfolk Cultivating Yields of Value 07/27/2022
In the heart of eastern Nebraska lies Helena of Norfolk, a local ag retailer making a big impact. Helena of Norfolk was established in 2014, when Helena Agri-Enterprises acquired a farm and garden home center.
Tar Spot on the Rise Across the Corn Belt 07/21/2022
As corn nears reproduction, growers are facing a daunting challenge. Tar spot has quickly made its way into the Midwest, and is not slowing down. As this fast-acting pathogen spreads, there are things to look for and ways to help manage your corn crop and maintain yield potential.
Crop Emergence Shifts Focus to Foliar Nutrition 06/13/2022
As a wet spell was cast on the north Delta region in late May, the early stages of crop emergence can be observed. Now is the time for producers to consider what foliar nutrients to apply to crops for growth and survival throughout the growing season. With gas prices at record highs, farmers should think about trying to optimize trips across the field by improving the nutritional content of their existing crop plan.
Managing Heat Stress 06/01/2022
A major challenge in agricultural production is how to cope with plant environmental stress, especially heat stress, in a practical and economical way. With a record number of above average temperatures in the desert region in recent years, Helena nutritional and bioscience products can play an important role as viable options to mitigate stress.
Planting Turnaround Leads to Positive Outlook on Corn 06/01/2022
“Just because corn was planted later than we’d like doesn’t mean we need to stop managing this crop for extra bushels,” says Brad Hammes, Helena Product Specialist based in Iowa.
Hammes shared these thoughts after a turn in weather across the Corn Belt allowed farmers to make up for lost time. He believes there is still ample opportunity to be profitable this year, especially with such high commodity prices.
Balancing Nutritional Needs with Crop Input Prices 04/21/2022
As fertilizer costs spiked alongside near record high commodity prices for corn, cotton, soybeans, rice and wheat, farmers across the country found themselves in a balancing act. The dilemma was how to effectively manage fertilizer dollars without negatively impacting yield. Now, as more crops are planted, farmers are looking ahead and wondering how their decisions will play out. Derek Emerine, National Agronomist with Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC, advises farmers to start monitoring their crops for deficiencies as soon as possible.
Helena Reveals Lessons Learned from Tissue Sampling 04/21/2022
Tissue sampling has been used by farmers for decades to monitor plant health. The challenge has always been how to best apply the knowledge it provides.
The Importance of Pre-Bloom Ca, B and Zn in Table & Wine Grapes 03/29/2022
For years, we have heard about the importance of including zinc (Zn) in our pre-bloom foliar nutritional sprays for table and wine grapes. So much so, that we almost universally include it without even thinking about it. Pre-bloom Zn is key for fruit set. In conjunction with Zn, calcium and boron also play critical roles in pre-bloom nutrition.
With a Grape Wise plan from Helena, our experts will help identify the nutritional needs in your vineyard and provide the educational tools to help you maximize quality and yields.
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