Take an in-depth look at the hottest topics in agriculture with The Helena FieldLink Blog. Throughout the growing season, FieldLink is your resource for agronomic education, expert recommendations, the latest Helena news and information, and much more.
The Importance of Pre-Bloom Ca, B, and Zn in Table & Wine Grapes 02/20/2024
We’ve been told for years about the importance of including Zinc (Zn) in our pre-bloom foliar nutritional sprays, so much so, that we almost universally include it without even thinking about it.
Addressing Soil Fertility under Saturated Conditions 02/13/2024
This winter brought heavy precipitation, and with it came welcome water storage, soil profile recharge and salt leaching. However, challenges related to saturated soil conditions have also surfaced.
The Cost of Uncontrolled Weeds 02/06/2024
There are several aspects of agronomic decisions that have to be considered before committing to a weed control program for the upcoming season. Once a grower makes their choice of crop and variety, which includes technology in major row crops, they still have several decisions to make.
Bean Wise: Protecting Soybean Seed from the Biggest Threats 01/08/2024
Using a quality seed treatment is often likened to choosing the right insurance plan. In order to adequately protect yourself and your property, you have to be insured against all possibilities.
Vineyard Fall-Winter Weed Management 11/27/2023
Weed management during the fall-winter season is critical for several reasons. Weeds can directly compete with grapevines for water and nutrients, which can affect vine health and yield.
Helena Launches Two Exclusive Soybean Seed Treatments for the 2024 Growing Season 10/31/2023
Helena Agri-Enterprises is expanding seed treatment opportunities for soybean growers in 2024 with the launch of Seed Shield® Select and Enertia®.
Dry Strip-till Applications Rising in Popularity Across the High Plains 10/31/2023
This reality of farming across the High Plains in states like Nebraska and Colorado makes strip-till systems commonplace. Now, more farmers are beginning to incorporate dry fertilizer thanks in part to upgrades in technology making it easier and more effective. As Blochowitz explains, the process is similar to liquid strip-tilling, but it incorporates dry fertilizer in a single placement.
The Key to High-performing Wheat in Kansas 10/12/2023
As the seasons change, winter wheat planting kicks into high gear across the plains. Quality stand establishment relies on effective early-season fertility, and for growers running dry fertilizer programs, that includes Resurge®.
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