Take an in-depth look at the hottest topics in agriculture with The Helena FieldLink Blog. Throughout the growing season, FieldLink is your resource for agronomic education, expert recommendations, the latest Helena news and information, and much more.
The Thriving Apple Industry in Upstate New York 08/22/2023
Propelled by its unique geographical advantages, the apple industry flourishes in America’s Northeastern region. These meticulous farmers understand both the art and science of producing beautiful fruit ready for store shelves. One popular variety, the Honeycrisp, is an important source of revenue for the region. John Ivison, Helena Branch Manager in upstate New York, sheds light on what it takes to grow this consumer-favorite apple.
Managing Tar Spot Late in the Season 07/27/2023
As the season has progressed, so has the spread of tar spot in corn. Since it arrived in the United States in 2015, this fast-acting pathogen has been identified across the Midwest and into the Northeast and Southeast. Although tar spot has jumped out to a commanding lead, ongoing research is helping producers catch up with management programs designed to mitigate risk.
How to Get Cotton Back on Track this Season 07/14/2023
Cotton farmers in the Southeast have dealt with challenging weather from day one this season. After delays in planting due to cool soil temperatures, cotton farmers are now dealing with the aftermath of extended periods of rainfall. In a recent episode of Helena’s FieldLink Podcast, Sales Representative Garrett Brewer and Product Specialist Brian Carroll from Georgia explore product options that can help farmers put their cotton crop back on track for a successful harvest.
Significant Nutrient Deficiencies in Soybeans at Key Growth Stages 06/22/2023
Every year, Helena collects large amounts of Extractor tissue samples from soybean acres across the nation. While potassium and sulfur remain the top two nutrient deficiencies across all growth stages, sulfur stands out as the most deficient nutrient in early season and R1 soybeans.
Unraveling Grower Opportunity in Wheat 06/22/2023
As agricultural practices continue to evolve, understanding the nutrient requirements of crops becomes crucial for achieving optimal yields. Among the various crops, wheat holds a significant position in global agriculture.
Unveiling Cotton Nutrient Deficiencies: Insights from Extractor Tissue Samples 06/22/2023
In the realm of cotton farming, certain nutrient deficiencies are known to significantly impact crop health. However, recent data from Extractor® tissue samples found surprising deficiencies in certain secondary nutrients.
Maximize Fruit Quality with Targeted Applications of Potassium 06/01/2023
Potassium is readily available in most soils. However, vines usually cannot take up enough K to satisfy crop requirements during peak demand. This spike in demand starts just before fruit set and continues through sizing. Since K moves into the roots through diffusion (very short distances in the soil), drought, deficit irrigation, high salinity, sandy soils and high soil levels of calcium and magnesium can adversely affect K uptake.
Finding the Right Herbicide for Volunteer Corn and Other Weedy Grasses in Soybeans 05/25/2023
With the season well underway, growers are busy maintaining fields and planning for in-season weed control. With that in mind, it is important to plan on knocking out unwanted grasses and volunteer corn in soybeans, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the number of selective grass herbicides in the market. When choosing a herbicide, consider not only the active ingredient in the jug, but also the inert ingredients.
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