Farmers need to get more out of every pound of fertilizer. ASK® fertilizer blends combine macronutrients, micronutrients and proven products that increase nutrient uptake and efficacy and outperform traditional phoshorus and potassium applications.
Fertilizer Combinations Increase Efficacy of Phosphorous & Potassium
ASK 0 is a proprietary fertilizer blend built around getting more phosphorus into the plant and less stuck in the soil by combining it with sulfur, micronutrients and Hydra-Hume®. One component of this blend is having sulfate sulfur paired with the phosphorus. Sulfur increases both the soil and tissue levels of phosphorus.

Additionally, zinc, boron and manganese can be impregnated on all fertilizer granules to increase uptake. Phosphorus often competes for nutrient uptake, so having zinc close to crop roots is critical for uptake. Four research trials in 2014 and 2015 showed that zinc impregnated onto 50 lbs of AMS and 150 lbs of MAP increased corn yields by 13 bu/ac compared to 150 lbs of MAP applied by itself. Overall, the ROI on replicated trials with Ele-Max® Super Zn, Ele-Max Boron LC and Ele-Max Mn ranges from ~5:1 to ~10:1.
ASK 8 is a proprietary fertilizer blend designed to enhance the efficacy of potassium fertilizer by pairing it with sulfur, micronutrients and Hydra-Hume. Similar to ASK 0, the combination of nutrients has also led to increases in efficiency and yield. When these two blends are used in combination, there has been an average of a 6 bu yield advantage compared to traditional phosphorus and potassium fertilizer programs.
The addition of Hydra-Hume DG-A to both of these blends also increases soil availability (Purdue University), nutrient uptake (2018 greenhouse trial), and reduces nutrient losses (University of Arkansas) of all nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients.
Getting More Out of Micronutrients
The micronutrients boron, manganese and zinc are needed for high-yielding corn, soybeans, wheat and hay crops. ASK blends include impregnation of liquid micronutrients, sulfate and Hydra-Hume in combination with phosphorus and/or potassium. By coating every fertilizer granule with micronutrients, coverage is increased by over 13 times compared to traditional dry granular products. Purdue University found higher yields when they compared this strategy to a traditional dry zinc product.
In these blends, combining zinc, manganese and other micronutrients with sulfur increases their availability five-fold by decreasing the pH immediately around sulfate granules. This is especially important on soils that limit micronutrient availability (low or high OM, high phosphorus, high pH, etc.). In addition, a majority of soil and tissue tests in the Midwest are deficient in boron, manganese and zinc. Not only is it necessary to provide these micro-nutrients to the crops but also in the most efficient way possible.
— Bill Verbeten, AGRIntelligence Agronomist | Dan Scheetz, Product Manager | Kevin Kilgus, AGRIntelligence Specialist